Well Being Physical Therapy offers Dry Needling!
How can dry needling help you? What is Dry Needling? Dry needling uses a single-use needle, similar to acupuncture needles, without injecting anything into the body. We insert the needles into, alongside, and around muscles, connective tissue, and nerves for the...
A Send Off To 2022
2022 has been a year of change and growth at Well Being Physical Therapy. We are constantly seeking ways to serve our patients by improving our communication, care, and atmosphere. Let’s look at a WBPT year end recap: Perhaps the biggest change in 2022 was our...
Getting Back To The Things You Love- Life With Chronic Pain
Pelvic Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain from a real patient's perspective The Backstory I’ve likely had symptoms of a chronic pain disease since I was about 12 years old, but I was either unaware, unaffected, or unwilling to face it until I was 32. Like many chronic...
physical therapy can help you poop!
Everyone poops! So let’s talk about and how we can make sure it goes smoothly (literally). What should you know? Consistency Use the Bristol Stool Chart to assess the consistency of your stool. Ideally, it should be type 4: well hydrated, well-formed, and easy to...
Prostate or pelvic floor?
Part 2 - What if it's NOT your prostate? Last week, in Part 1, we reviewed some common symptoms that can indicate a problem with the prostate. However, did you know that these EXACT symptoms may NOT be your prostate? Many of our patients have a common story. Of...
Prostate or pelvic floor?
This is one of a two-part post to help you better understand if the symptoms you are feeling may be the prostate (or not), and how pelvic physical therapy can help both! Part 1: When ARE symptoms your prostate? Part 2: When symptoms are NOT the prostate (stay tuned!)...
Life with Endometriosis
a Real patient shares her experiences and journey for help with endometriosis - and how pelvic Physical Therapy can help Below is a direct, unedited writing by one of our real patients. She gives an honest description of her experience, feelings, and what helped (and...

Hip pain and the Pelvic Floor
If you’ve tried traditional exercises for hip pain with no results, it might be time to speak with a pelvic Physical Therapist. Your hip pain could be related to your pelvic floor! Why? Your pelvic floor muscles sit within the pelvis like a hammock. They support...

Tips from a Postpartum Pelvic Physical Therapist
I am back from my maternity leave! If you've ever wondered what a pelvic Physical Therapist does for their own care, I can tell you that at least for me, it is the same information I give to you! Here are some of the things I have found to be important for all of us...

Pelvic Physical Therapy can help prolapse
What is prolapse? one or more pelvic organs can press into the vaginal wall and create prolapse. If you’ve had babies or a hysterectomy, you may have heard of this Types of pelvic organ prolapse (POP): Bladder (cystocele) Uterine prolapseUrethra...

3 Tips From a Pregnant Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist
At 36 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby, I can definitely relate to all my pregnant patients with how physically challenging pregnancy can be. As a pelvic floor and pelvic health Physical Therapist, I also know a lot of common issues can be avoided or helped with...

Welcome, Dr. Katelyn Peach!
Well Being Pelvic Physical Therapy is proud to have Doctor Peach join our team! We are happy to be growing, but as we do, we need more options to get the care you need in a timely manner. With our exceptionally high standards, we took extra time to get just the right...
3. Posture and the Pelvic Floor
Foot to Floor Series 3 of 5: How posture can cause pelvic floor dysfunction (and vice versa)! This is the 3rd of a 3 part series on how the foot and leg can cause and/or affect pelvic floor conditions. #1 covered leg alignment and foot arch. #2 touched on toe and...
More for your Core – From a pelvic Physical Therapist
What is the core and how do you know if you’re using yours properly? When you think of the “core,” what exactly comes to mind? a 6 pack? Weakness? Crunches? Internal organs? The biggest confusion we see as Physical Therapists with "the core" and how to strengthen it,...
Painful Sex - Episode 116 Female Parts Shouldn't be Named After Dead Men Floor Health
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It can be difficult on your own to uncover what's going on. That's our job. Contact us to today to start getting answers and begin the healing process.